Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The best things on the internet, lately

Oh sweet, twisted and sometimes terrifying internet, I don't know what my life would be without you. Here are some of the best things I've seen online in the last few days:

This song. So beautiful, and for once the live version is way better than the studio one. 

This. THIS. (Found on Pinterest, with no link back to a source.)
Rabbits hairpin (available on Etsy) just in time for Easter. 

I am currently fangirling in an embarrassing fashion over Season 4 of The Vampire Diaries. Everything about this scene (from 4x08) - the song, the angst, the speech - it gives me ALL THE FEELS. Can't even handle it. 

And lastly, my number one favourite thing I have seen on the internet this past week (possibly ever):

You're welcome.

Friday, March 22, 2013

One for the weekend: Things to be happy about

  • This post by BuzzFeed, which is still the best thing I've read all week
  • Mexican food at Wahaca tonight, burgers and milkshakes at Byron tomorrow
  • The end of the week of intense deadlines
  • A week closer to the Easter sundae feeding frenzy my sister and I are planning at Harrods' Ice Cream Parlour
  • A week closer to a visit from my favourite Swiss/French immigrant
  • Chocolate Philly cream cheese on crumpets (chocolate cheesecake for the poor and lazy)
  • The fact that my friends all love talking about food as much as I do
  • My hyacincths which I planted a couple of weeks ago are flowering on my windowsill and they smell amazing
  • Ellie Goulding's Halcyon, which I have been listening to for two weeks and with which I am still not bored
  • Pinterest, for being responsible for my finding gems like this:


Monday, March 18, 2013

London rites of passage


There are certain trials and tribulations everyone has to go through when they move to a new city. I am proud to say that I've experienced the following London rites of passage:

  • Encounter a crazy on public transport (moving here around Christmastime helped - the psychos were out in their droves)
  • Lose a pair of gloves (and an umbrella)
  • Navigate the long way home by night bus
  • Nearly die of cold walking home from the closest night bus stop
  • Get on a bus going in the wrong direction
  • Spend far too much time in Primark (yet miraculously leave with loads of purchases for very little money - I'm counting this as a win)
  • Get over Primark and recognise it for the terrifying child-labour-exploiting shopping megagiant that it is
  • See a real live fox (I have still only seen one from afar but my sister confirms this still makes me a real Londoner)
  • Move house without a car
  • Out of desperation to make friends, say yes to anything and go to a party where you know no one
  • Take public transport while in costume for a fancy dress party
  • Stop converting the price of everything back to rands (a thoroughly depressing exercise)
Lived in London? What rites of passage have I yet to endure?

Friday, March 15, 2013

One for the weekend: Something to read

One of the things I love best about living in London is that even though it takes ages to get anywhere (this place is so huge!), at least I can get absorbed in a book while someone else does the driving.

My sister loaned me her copy of Donna Tartt's The Little Friend which I have been devouring for the last few weeks. I read The Secret History by the same author years ago and still count it as one of my favourite books, but The Little Friend has surprised me - I think I may love it more. I have a serious writer's crush on Donna Tartt, and have spent much of this novel in complete awe at her gorgeous, spellbinding way with words and the ingenuity of some of her metaphors and comparisons.

It's not just beautifully written though - it is an exciting, intense mystery with thrilling action sequences as well. I haven't quite finished it and it's taking great willpower not to stay up all night to find out what happens.

Go read it, go now!

PS. St Paddy's Day this weekend! Going to be getting my green on and visiting Porterhouse in Covent Garden for their celebrations. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Three months in

Last week marked three months since my arrival in London. What have I achieved?

  • I have an awesome place to live (Norf London, innit)
  • I've discovered what real winter feels like (I think I like Cape Town's version better)
  • I've caught up on four seasons' worth of Made in Chelsea (and I will never be sorry!)
  • I've walked more in this time than in my entire life, and am developing buns of steel
  • I've turned into a crazy fast London walker
  • I've learned it takes two night buses and nearly two hours to get home from Brixton after the last tube
  • I've found that night buses are much more fun when you have company
  • I've decided that Primark is the devil but I can't stop myself going in
  • I've procured myself some regular freelance work for SheKnows UK, and
  • I've fallen in love with this freezing, dirty, crazywonderful city and I never want to leave.
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